I am Ana, an intuitive consultant for entrepreneurs and creatives an energy alchemist, healer, seer and a modern mystic.

Empowering through the Divine Feminine and shifting the legacy of wealth through conscious entrepreneurship is the call of my being.

Discovering pathways to health, well being and vitality while aligning with the Truth of any situation is what I do.

Deeply steeped in my spiritual path for over thirty years, allows me a tremendous depth of understanding that is invaluable to seeing the bigger picture while being grounded in my own being.

I came here to be of benefit with compassion, and heart. This is why I do this work.

Engaged intuitive insight, energy alignment and inspired action are the keys to catalyze change. 

As a Healer and a Seer I go beyond the surface of outer circumstances to attune with  the energies at play. Skilled in my intuitive gift,  aligned with my heart and attuned with my intellect creates an alchemical sphere of impeccable discernment. Through this sphere I view pathways, trajectories and influences and understand  how to shift them into alignment while honoring the sacred codes of conduct in the Universe.

There are protocols of conduct in energy work in energy medicine and I respect and honor these in every aspect. This ensures the sacred container of session work to be inviolate.

Attuning with the view of what is really happening, in the energetic field is the essence of my work and its astounding laser beam accuracy.

What it delivers is radically unfiltered truth.

Seeing the truth of a situation and navigating it. Knowing what is in accord and what is not is what I do best.

This gift of discernment brings clarity, to whatever your endeavor, crisis, transition, situation or health challenge you experience. Whatever is calling forth for you to see we uncover in the dynamic engagement of in session work.

I hold space a sacred ground of compassion, with zero judgment, in which you are able to experience your truest nature, up close, personal with a trusted ally.

Envision the world you wish to live in, and then take inspired action to create it.

Why: When I listen to my intuition it unfailingly steers me well. So I choose with all of my being, all of my knowing, to trust it implicitly. Having been called upon to use this gift in various diverse situations, again and again I have been shown its sheer power and its immense accuracy; the grace invoked by tuning in with intention and clarity, respect and sacredness.

It is as natural to me as breathing, and yet it takes tremendous skill to navigate the realms of energy with precision. In so doing I am able  to see what is required and to reveal that in language that penetrates. This is a core component to the success of this healing work.

Believe in Possibility. Trust in your own nature. Open your eyes to see all there is to see.

Transformation: I have lived the path of transformation by creating the life I wish to live on my terms. By sifting through beliefs and ideas that did not fit me; discarding those that were not mine anyway.

Creating a wholly redefined, reimagined life based on what I hold to be true.

This is why I know it can be done and why I know you can do it too; bringing the unparalleled gifts of joy, ease, and freedom, in the truest sense, by embracing who you are and taking inspired action to create the change that you seek. Becoming who you came here to be.

What really makes my heart sing is when I see a challenge resolve and dissolve with ease, this is what I facilitate in session. Creating a pathway for new perspectives and fresh choices to occur.

The result well being, peace of mind, clarity and radiance in your life. This is the path. This is the terrain of awakening.

Embracing all of who you are matters, it shifts everything. There is no other way to fully understand the power you have to choose than to recognize the impact choice makes.

Shift the energy, shift the beliefs, the perceived constraints- see magic happen!

Intuition: I have been an intuitive from the earliest time I can remember. It has shaped and influenced every part of my life. The more I tried to ignore it or to only hold to rational reasoning or my intellect alone the more it would smack me upside the head with its blazing truth. It has taken time for me to fully embrace it.

Rewarded in school for being smart, while skipping grades and being ahead of the curve, propelled me to cultivate my braniac side. Even though I knew at a very young age that I perceived things differently,that I could see and feel things that others were not aware of, it still took a lot of unsatisfactory trying to fit the mold made by others to lead me to finally blasting the mold to smithereens.

This inspired me to create a new one made of super power infused, divinely inspired, flexible material just for me.

Timeline: At seventeen I was on a fast track combined MBA/LLB degree, which got derailed, thank goodness, by my body giving out. Getting sick got me well. It allowed me to move in a new direction.

 At 23, I was on a hot shot track at an ad agency, got promoted to Creative Director, and then left to go on my first spiritual retreat; connecting me to my spiritual path which lives at the core of my life. Total blessing!  

More than thirty years ago I embarked on my Buddhist spiritual path which has led me to have simply remarkable encounters with some of the most amazing realized beings of our time. I have been so blessed to be with these great masters, to receive transmissions from their mind stream, to be embraced by their encouragement and to be in awe of their immense kindness, no matter the situation.  They took the time to pour their wisdom and care into me, trusting me to hold it well, like a treasure.  I take these sacred blessings directly to heart.

Vision: Wealth and all its myriad forms is both fascinating and a world of its own; a world I love to navigate.

Economic change ignites global change. Empowering the next generation to step into a brighter future. One filled with hope, defined by innovation, fueled by optimism and steeped in possibility.

It is this bigger arena, the larger calling of how do we heal this world that fuels my commitment to fully be who I am now.

I love to catalyze change. To transcend limitations and cultivate true actualizing of ideas, talent, resources, while maximizing potential.

Delivering a radiant world of richness fulfillment and prosperity for all.

Creating from joy, inspired by desire. Taking action is key. We shift this world and the paradigms within it, every moment we choose to embody fully who we are.


‘If you have the good fortune of working with Ana, then count your lucky stars, and open to your life changing in powerful and wonderful ways. Her gift and ability to navigate, cut through and get to the heart of the issues at hand is truly extraordinary.’  

Elise Peters Designer/Artist, Oregon

'I would encourage anyone in complex business relations to seek working sessions with Ana.  Her ability to combine business sense with intuitive work is completely unique and immediately helpful.’ 

Carolyn Myers, Theatre Director San Francisco

‘Ana’s approach opens my mind up to constructive and healthy ways of thinking. She has taught me about the power of energy and how to use it in a positive way. Ana understands the way I create and is able to perceive what I need... the words she uses and the phrasing really speak to me. She speaks my language. Not only is she good she is excellent. Really.'

'I have listened to the tapes many many times, Ana gets to the essence every single time. I have never met a professional who had that ability.'

L. H Artist, Paris, France

‘Ana is a gem of gems’

‘With Ana, there is no pretense, no woo woo, no touchy feely. This is REAL, down to earth, no B.S. here. She is guiding me on my own path to find total freedom–in love, joy, ease, in truth and clarity, with total support and protection.

As old habits and baggage fall away, I can feel this, can see it, be it, embrace it more and more. How? Because this is the essence that Ana embodies within her own being.

With her insightful gifts, enormously compassionate heart and keen mind, she helps us navigate our world in order to manifest our visions, our dreams to their fullest extent.’

E Yang, MD, Tucson, Arizona