
 The Actualizer: Six Months, Two 60 minute calls per month; twelve calls 

Clarity in the resonance of who you are with what you envision and create is key. How that is materializing in real time, with real world results is the focus of this six month program.

Intuitive insight, energy alchemy, business strategy, envision mapping and brand/business review of where you are now reveals what is in accord and what is not and clarifies what you truly desire.

We create from where you are right now.

Being an entrepreneur may be more challenging than you thought. You may be feeling less than inspired, lackluster about your business, what you do, or its functioning. Perhaps you are too bogged down in the operational. Are you in your zone of genius? If not why?

The part that nobody told you is how you would need to be ‘on’ in ways you did not realize.


You may be in overwhelm with the sheer level of interaction required to communicate, relate and handle the details. Your business may be running you.

Underlying any dissatisfaction is the answer. I work with you to clarify your zone of genius and allow you to see and feel the pathways to reveal it. Right now in real time.

Alignment with your true desire creates inspired commitment to what you really wish to create. The action you take from here, is fueled by clarity, joy, and depth, in accord with your values.

Inspiration launched into the world works best when it is in balance with who you are.

The truth of what you wish to create has energy and power. The authenticity of this is undeniable.

When you know where you are, create from wholeness in alignment with who you are…..all is possible.

Creating in this way transforms your life, your business, who you attract, what you earn, and how you enjoy it. It shifts everything even how you approach the rhythm of your life, your priorities and what matters.

It is palpable. You feel it. Know it. Those who connect with you recognize the truth of this shift, in your very being.


$ 55 950

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Sustained integrated support that covers, Vision/ brand, team alignment, revenue generation, resources and wealth analysis, with full spectrum alignment with all you wish to create. Strategy and integration in tandem with maximizing the potential of what you have now.

Some results you can expect:

  • shift in understanding of your current situation
  • clarity and perspective in what matters, what you really desire and a path to create it
  • creative joy as you build wealth
  • clarification of your key strengths
  • alignment with all that you desire

When you Seal your Intention with Action………Miracles Happen!


What is it you really wish for? What is at the core of your desire to create? What is in the way? Can you identify it? Would you like some laser beam precision in clearing the static? OK then let’s get started.

Book an Attunement Session if you have not worked with me previously. This allows you to experience the work and to see if it is a fit for both of us.

We mobilize shifts to maximize what you have created to resonate more with what you desire.


Please note 72 hour notice is required on scheduled appointments. Payment in full is required prior to sessions. All payments are non refundable.