In my previous article ‘Standing in Flow’ I describe how we can unlock being stuck and move into Flow, what I really want to talk about now is ‘Allowing’ and specifically the Art of Allowing, which is a kind of state of Grace of stepping back from leaning in to allow things to come together. For time and space to sync up with what you envision and most importantly so that you get out of the way of busyness which may interfere with the timing of how things align.

So to clarify, when you allow, you create space for something to happen, you are engaged, alert, clear, and ready, however, you are not really ‘doing’. You have done what you needed to do, you continue to listen to know what the next move is in the right timing and with the right amount of whatever is required to move the situation along like who to telephone perhaps or where to go for a walk that allows your head to clear and for you to most importantly stay open to ‘allow’. OK it is not so easy to describe this state of being, it is a little like waiting for a cake to bake after you have precisely measured all the ingredients, mixed them together in the right order and have placed the batter in a pan at the correct temperature. That cake will be done when it is done, not before, and every oven is different and what I learned with my grandmother at eight making fudge even the weather can make a difference in how things set. OK so allow the cake to bake, do something else while you are tuned into the timer dinging or the smell of a baked cake to remind you to check it.

When we allow, we listen we are tuned into the cosmic rhythm of the Universe, we trust that what we have requested is on its way or something better because the key secret to all of this is the Universe wants what you want particularly if it is about expanding, growing, becoming, because this is its natural state and it responds marvelously well to this kind of request. So where is the million dollars you requested you might say, well there is a lot of wealth that is not confined to simply dollars. It is more abundant than that and more creative than that. The real gold is in the ideas, the regenerating replenishing idea realm which is never exhausted, like having the winning lottery ticket again and again any old time you want it.
