Where does awareness abide? Why is it there sometimes and then not at all it seems? What allows you the most immediate experience of pure awareness, is it finding quiet, is it meditation, is it walking in nature, being near the ocean, mountain climbing, hang gliding or sitting in a field of grass. Finding ways to cultivate time to allow ourselves to experience the fullness of our lives is a gift and is always accessible. By trusting the true nature of awareness to dispel any clouds of confusion or upset, to shine through these transient states of mind, we lean into Trust and Openness which allows the grace of the situation and of our true natures to shine realizing the potentiality of all of our faculties.

Awareness is sort of like the engine that could, except there is no striving no here or there no where to be except here right now, and no where to go except here right now. Contemplate that for just a moment. There is nothing demanding your attention except your attention here right now. Come to this moment fully, see what you see, feel what you feel, then go forward from right now. Accept where you are fully, now, in this complete moment, then experience another.

One thing I love to do is to gaze at the sky, by laying down flat on the ground on a blanket or a quilt, and see the sky in all its glory and enormity. Does not matter the weather, although my favorite is a clear summer or late fall day with no clouds and a light breeze through the trees. Sometimes the clouds are fun so it really is fine if they are there, changing shape and moving through on their way to becoming rain. Gazing at the sky somehow gives me immediate perspective, and ease and wonder all at the same time. Whenever we take time to fully be here, to fully experience our lives, time opens up, space opens up, possibility opens up and we shift into the greater arena of existence which we are all a part. Yes truly a part of the whole, of the oneness of humanity, with all that entails. The joy, the sorrow, the awe and the ache of it. Connected and true, we abide in the full scope of the awareness we bring to every moment if we so choose. Walk with me on this wild side of life where miracles bloom in meadows of delight and pure wonder.