OK well you know it just happens to be true that we are not each of us isolated in the realm of existence here on Earth. We are all connected and interconnected with everything. When this is truly understood, you see how it affects the way that we react, interact with others and how this flow of good energy, synergy, support and alignment shows up in success, particularly in business.

Team is such a word that has a lot of different meanings and is bandied about like the latest catch all thing that will hold something altogether. Well it does and it does not, and here is why. Who is on the team makes all the difference. Who you allow into your business is a major and I mean major tell for how your business reaches potential or stumbles along. It is not just skills and qualifications, it is in fact personality and traits that have a more determining factor on how someone fits with the job, and it is now being held as more of a benchmark in assessing candidates for a position. How you feel in the presence of someone can reveal volumes, if you simply listen. They may have the most loaded resume going, but you feel uneasy, and you cannot put your finger on why. LISTEN to that. Pay attention to that.

Similarly you may be reading a resume and meeting someone and it just does not add up. They have not much there on paper, but you feel inspired, sparked, and better being near them. They have enthusiasm a can do attitude and you know that this would impact everyone in the business in a positive way. So who do you choose> do you trust your own instincts, or not. Do you know what this can mean this one seemingly innocuous decision to the scope, breadth and prosperity of your business? Do you have any idea> this is a make or break deal making moment. Listen. Go with your gut. Heed the manifestation principle of like +like and understand that people are more than history on paper, they are living breathing evolving beings that can enrich or detract and can impact your business more than any other single factor.

Building team starts with who you invite to play. Then you hone the balance of what needs to get done with who is the best to do it, and who is also most inclined. Allow your people to create their career with you. Invoke the reward for initiative and advancement based on what they bring to the table, the situation, the project, moment to moment and be prepared to be delighted.

When you interview someone really tune in, this is one of the most crucial and defining moments in business. How they present themselves, how they appear to you that fresh take you have right there, absolutely invaluable. Gold.