Intuitive-Consulting-2The purpose of my intuitive consulting is to connect you to a deeper place or knowing.

Result is you naturally choose more wisely.

What to expect:

  • clearer understanding of who you are
  • release of what is holding you back
  • shift in your perspective
  • experience more enthusiasm, and balance
  • manifest what you most truly desire.

How it works:

We talk by phone, at a time convenient with your schedule. Between the hours of 1pm and 5pm pacific time.

If you have not worked with me previously, schedule an Attunement session here for you to experience the work and see if it is a fit for you.

Visionaries click here

The Year of Transformation is a personal mentoring program for entrepreneurs and artists/ creatives; by application only. To read more click here


The Attunement: Connecting, Aligning and Setting the Tone

One time 60 minute discovery session over the phone where we see what is happening now, what you wish to shift, and we begin. Read More

It allows you to experience the work, see how we work together as we deal with where you are right now.

What to expect:

  • clarity, understanding and joy
  • shift in perspective
  • greater ease and connectedness in your life
  • enthusiasm and a renewed commitment to your endeavor


$ 1875


 When you Seal your Intention with Action………Miracles Happen!


Please note 72 hour notice is required on scheduled appointments. Payment in full is required prior to sessions. All payments are non refundable.


The Activator: Three months, Two 60 minute calls per month

Two 60  minute calls every other week for three months.

Great option to get real traction in creating the business that works for you or launching of your creative endeavor.  Big Vision meets practical tactical application.

  • True sustainable income generation
  • Clear understanding of your strengths and gifts
  • Deep envisioning of what you desire while activating changes that are in alignment with who you are

Identifying and activating products/services that are in resonance with who you are and a deeper understanding of how they meet the world. Read More 

$ 25 950

When you Seal your Intention with Action………Miracles Happen!


Please note 72 hour notice is required on scheduled appointments. Payment in full is required prior to sessions. All payments are non refundable.



The Actualizer: Six months, Two 60 minute calls per month,  email support, brand/vision review

More intensive and on going support on all levels. We dedicate time to reviewing your brand, site, offerings, the resonance of what you envision and how that is materializing in real time, with real world results. Read More

The key to this format is sustained integrated support that covers, brand, marketing, team, revenue generation, and full spectrum alignment with all you wish to create.


$55 950

How it works:

Looking for integrated support for your creative endeavor or your dream to action mobilization?

This six month intensive provides in depth support, clarity and alignment to create what you desire. I have tailored it to Entrepreneurs with an existing business, however it is adaptable to Creatives needing alignment with their Vision and the map to make it real. Connect here

Calling Entrepreneurs: Is your Business running you? Are you in overwhelm? Not even sure what you need? All that you really know is, that this entrepreneurial, ‘be your own boss’ gig is not what you thought it would be. I can help. Go to Business Review here

Book an Attunement Session if you have not worked with me previously. It allows you to experience the work, to see if it is a fit for you and a prerequisite for the in depth packages.

Trust that whatever is guiding you to connect with your own deeper knowing is guiding you to me.

When you Seal your Intention with Action………Miracles Happen!



My hourly rate is $3500 per hour, for all in session work, except for Visionaries

All extended call time and additional calls (may include fee), not included within the package guidelines will be billed per fifteen minute intervals, at this rate. Impromptu requests for non scheduled calls with less than 24 hour notice are billed at 2.5 times this rate.

Please note 72 hour notice is required on scheduled appointments. Payment in full is required prior to sessions. All payments are non refundable.