Fearless endeavors require Daring, yes and more in fact, however the daring -do part is essential; taking an action in the direction of what you are envisioning is absolutely essential. The unexpected gifts of the Daring – do part of making a move and seeing what happens, is threefold. First you feel the energy of releasing your intention physically. Second, you get to receive and interpret what comes back, someone connects with you because you communicated exactly what they had been asking to have clarified, you offer a product and have unforeseen results in sales, you meet a colleague who wishes to partner and expand that idea further. Thirdly you free up what was holding you back energetically by literally birthing the idea, the product, the book, the communication of your heartfelt wish, whatever the move it moves you into space and you see what happens.

This is enormously liberating and even just having permission to choose to move forward even without every single piece in place allows you to taste more fully what the idea, product, association is all about. This brings further clarity and information to the equation allowing you to choose what to do next more accurately aligned. Holding an idea close to your heart, is crucial for an incubation time, to let it percolate and to show you what it is truly. Then there comes a moment when you know, you yourself know you are ready to launch it, to put it out there, and sometimes that is the only way the only step left to take to truly see the fullness of that idea clearly.

The difference between Daring to dream and Daring to do is like clouds in the sky and hail hitting the Earth. Ok that is a bit dramatic, but I am trying to make a point here. The idea realm of where things begin is a taste, a flavor a veritable gold mine, actually, of wealth which all of us have access to at any time. Those of us who are naturally creative and live here know this realm intimately; it is glorious. To bring those ideas into being there are steps involved even if it seemingly happens all at once.

For example, you may have an idea for a great product, you can see how it would look, you have a name a logo even for it, you know what it would cost to purchase and you have a clear idea what it would cost to make, you have thought it through…..so that’s it right? Just launch a website and your off! Whoa! OK you are a huge way there, however, the difference from what is in your head and maybe even on paper, is mammoth.  It is important to take stock of this actuality before you are inundated with orders, with tracking alternate suppliers of a key ingredient, or finding a fulfillment center that can handle the quantum exponential sales which, guess what, nobody could have anticipated. This still may mean you need to take action in the direction of a launch, or in the direction of your dream as it is, and see from there what move is next, it will at the very least inform you more fully what is involved.

So what I am saying is Dare to Dream!!! As you become adept in this phase, then Dare to Do so you can really take it out of the amorphous realm and see it in motion in the world. Choose again from having taken an action towards its becoming yourself and you will know more than if you had not. Also you will perhaps hone your ideals around how it can be and how you wish to be with it. This is crucial as we all have key strengths which allow you to analyze what other strengths and qualities you need on your team which believe me can save you oceans of angst. So Dare to Dream essential! Dare to Do to walk the dream around in space and to see how you can choose wisely each step of the way to allow it to manifest in the best possible way.
