What exactly does ‘Doing Your Best’ mean? To me it is speaking my Truth, trusting in my own understanding of a situation and giving all of myself to the totality of that situation whatever may come. So even if I see red and steam is about to come out of my ears, I settle, let that flame of upset subside, and usually this delivers crystal clarity of just the right balance so that I can see clearly and directly the next steps to move forward.

I am dealing with a lighting issue for a Temple, and the order is delayed and delayed, and not so great customer service; why is it that companies think that there is ANY benefit to giving lousy service. I truly have no idea. It is the one controllable thing that you have in  business in life actually, how you deal with things; graciously or with disregard. I am always being placed in situations where I am asking somebody to step up and be the best of themselves and it is remarkable what can happen when we do so. Why is this not the natural go to state of being? Do we think it does not make a difference? That there is no impact? Hmmmmm well I can assure you that in my experience when you stand tall, place your shoulders square and plant your feet and then speak your truth, whatever it may be, things happen.

Issues can be resolved, relationships improved, finances flourish, creativity thrives, business expands, goodwill resounds, happiness abides, and my goodness what a difference that makes in the experience of all concerned. It radiates out to include completely unrelated individuals and circumstances and it is, I believe, indispensable especially in these times of uncertainty and change.

So I invite you take the challenge, to hold your power well, to speak your truth as simply and directly as possible and to watch the ease and the strength that can gather as you become a pillar of good conduct. The directive is to hold to your understanding of excellence and best, not a woulda coulda shoulda modality, rather a definitive resonance of KNOWING you and only you know this answer; Did I do my best and if not why not? Then start again, a fresh moment, a new situation whatever appears, and take the stance of doing your Best and see what happens.