Faith, what exactly does it mean? You know in a kind of sort of way or do you lean into the unknown, precisely to the uncertainty and unknown and allow Grace to enter the space of your wish and assist, as it is likely to do. Faith in a being, in a thing, in the Divine order of the Universe, in the love you have or the love you are given. Faith in a relationship with one other or with all others.  Faith in equanimity and human decency at its core.  Faith simply in that you are held supported and valued in this World.

Faith is a word that gets bandied about a lot, and really it is worth taking a moment or a lifetime to contemplate what does it mean to you. How do you regard the very notion of it. Do you pshaw away the concept, do you revel in its essence. Do you hold it in reverence, the idea that you can align with your heart and with your knowledge of Grace and allow. What does Faith mean to you and how do stand there with it when all is contrary and pulling you sideways. How do you hold to the frontier of pure regard and allow your life to manifest with pure intention. These are things to think about.

I can assure you that the more you align with your hearts wishes and desires, the more clear you are in what it is you would like to experience, the more you can lean into that vibration of becoming, then all the more likely it is to appear. When you zing out in despair, angst or anger, that ricochets right around the block and back at you and when you hold the resonance of the joy and wonder of even the possibility of what you wish for  being made manifest; well these are two different ends of the scale of perception. So choose.

Everything has a vibration, an energy, a resonance. When we connect with that which makes us feel good, feel joy, feel wonder and awe and timeless space, this is more in accord with manifesting what we desire simply by the very essence of the vibration held. Like attracts Like. A homeopathic principle and a Universal principle. It is not just a matter of telling yourself nice stuff, in actuality it is far more like imagining ice cream; the taste of it, the coolness of it, the flavor of it, the texture, the crunch of the cone, the feel of the sun through the window, the clouds in the sky, the sound of a bird, the shuffle of feet on the floor.  The more complete the experience, the more the vibration rounds out to match that which we seek. So hold to the premise that what you wish for really is held somewhere, and what you are experiencing is simply the ripening of your wishes from a time which may or may not match where you are right now, and what you wish for in this moment. So refresh it! Take a good look at what you put faith and belief in and shift if this is what your being is calling you to do. Just do it!