What happens when you are in overwhelm? Can you really see the forest for the trees? When you are faced with overwhelm it is like when your drain clogs or the car falters when you try to start it or you are standing in front of an array of food choices at the deli and simply cannot even determine well what you would like to eat.

There are signs and patterns that we fall into when there is just too much of the ick factor which is a calling to change. Overload on the to do list, overly inflated expectations, a feeling like it will never change so what does it matter what you do, a numb out zone of inertia and lethargy which blocks the joy factor and the higher vibrational factor of blasting out of that stuck zone. I like to call it clearing the bedrock. I often have the feeling of drilling through rock with my clients if they are really stuck there, it can take a little while to get some true sunlight and an inkling of joy to permeate that dank place.

It is worth it and it is doable, what it takes is a bit of perserverance and baby steps in the right direction. First take stock of your body, breathe, take another deep breath, and then another, make a soothing cup of tea, green is excellent as it also can help clear your mind. Or for others put on some rythmic music and dance, in a pinch simply stand up and really do the shimmy, jump in the air and shake, do it again…..shake out your body, move your head, let it all go.

OK so now get out pen and paper and start writing all the things that are weighing on you, sticking up your flow and gunking up what is really possible. First you clean the windshield then you can see to drive. Keep writing…..get it moving so you can begin to unclog what is in the way of you manifesting all that you would like to be experiencing. Next step is to identify the top three to five situations; be it relationship, your business, a colleague, demands on your time whatever it is you can shift it, by shifting yourself into awareness.

LOOK> what is going on, is it a relationship, is it not wishing to upset anyone, is it fear of what will happen if you speak up, is it just not wanting to deal with it. Really all of us have had those moments where we would like to just pull up the covers and make it all go away….ignoring is not going to change anything so taking action is the way and you may be really surprised at what shifts in yourself, and in the situation….and guess what you may find a glimpse of joy as you ventilate the stale air of inertia and avoidance.

When you have identified the top places of discontent, see if any action comes up of what you could do to clear the air, literally, is it having a conversation, is it setting a boundary and declaring this, speak your truth and see what happens, is it letting go of a relationship that is no longer serving you at all, is it getting clear on what you would really like to do with your time….this is the permission to say NO factor….So ok you do not even really know how you feel you are in the numbness mode, so……listen to your body, still stuck, listen deeper and see how it feels if you make the decision to participate in something you are not clear about, how does it feel to go forward, how does it feel to move away from it. Basically your body is an excellent barometer for your truth, you know gut reaction, that is real, so how you really feel about a person, a situation, a workshop, a date…..what is your body telling you…..pay attention to that. Truly it is a powerful exercise so try it, do not just take my word on it, try it and see…..OK so breathe, take stock, listen to your body, identify as best you can what you are feeling and make a move from there.