Why is it that I feel so incredibly fabulous by giving? My nature you could say allows this to be, yet why is it such an untapped luxury. Generosity goes beyond money it is a wealth of different order quite simply because it can be delivered in so many more varied forms. A flower, time, listening, caring, cooking, holding, being , embracing, offering, visualizing, hmmm well it goes on.

Wealth of generosity really is in letting go in trusting in the natural state of abundance of the Universe which is ever present and accessible. So what is the holding back if this is the case, why do we not just simply lean in to that frame of reference and go from there….well perhaps we were taught to hold onto what we have because you know you may not get it back or it may dry up or what exactly is that logic…I can never really follow it fully. The truth is I love to Give, and I mean give, you need a sofa ok, you need a hug, a cup of tea, some gold bullion, my jewels, the clothes off my back, the shoes on my feet, my favorite hat the sweater I am crafting from alpaca, my heart, the blood and sinews of my bones…..well you get the idea….there is really no limit on giving except what we place ourselves based upon often erroneous beliefs which when truly held up to the light do not amount to much…..yep that is right often the guiding principles we hold so decent, so pinnacle worthy are nothing more than a few flea bitten tired and used up notions which keep a kind of order to the rampant chaos that could be unleashed if you simply let go, and give fully without restraint regard or hesitation, trusting more will flow in, that you will neither be diminished or punished by doing so and in fact the whole Cosmos may be more enriched……..

OH MY what a Wonderful World INdeed!