Gifted Children



Star Children, Indigos, Gifted children of all kinds exist and are arriving on the planet every day. These children have often unusual gifts, unique abilities, and heightened sensitivities.They also present extraordinary challenges to those faced with the often daunting task of reading the energy of their world day to day. 

Navigating is what I do. What I offer is an ability to see the terrain of what is being experienced by both child and parent/caregiver and attuning the field of interaction to one of harmony, ease and understanding. 

The process includes translating the often inexplicable and conflicting messages in both the sensory and the experiential perceptions of these children; as their energy field literally interprets data differently. 

The result delivered is harmonizing the energy, while providing practical real world solutions that allow integration and flourishing to occur, expediently and with joy.

There are particular challenges for parents of these children, because the regular, the go to solution often does not fit their needs. They are indeed special and are truly ahead of their time, and truly aligned with their purpose in a deeply cellular and precisely intricate way.

If you think your child may be one of these gifted children, or you are needing assistance in identifying what is happening with your child please feel free to reach me 

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