What does it mean to find Heaven on Earth. Well the other day I was arriving home, having just completed a many months long project and there was a little white van which drove by as I was getting out or our car, which had two white kerchiefed ladies waving to me driving by, and on the back of the van it said and I kid you not, ‘Heaven on Earth’

It reminds of another time I was driving to a ceremony a Puja at a Buddhist temple in California, and I had many dozens of roses and other flowers to offer, as I was about to turn the last corner on the road I noticed I was driving behind a kind of wooded sided van sort of like what a tinker man may have horse driven about a hundred years ago, except this was an actual vehicle now, and on the back in beautiful hand painted script was

Mother Mary and roses, lots of roses all over this caddie shack on wheels. For a Tibetan Buddhist, I do not find this odd, just kind of interesting, as Mary has come to me in Visions and her energy is a magnificent comfort in times of change and especially when we feel bereft of that deep pool of unconditional love which is her domain. Her symbol is very much roses and the scent of roses is something I associate with both her and my wonderful grandma, Mattie, whose house always had this scent, and I will often notice it wafting through my life when I am calling to be connected to this dimension of here and now.

So what does it mean these signs and symbols we see everyday, what gives them meaning in our lives, is it the synchronicity of what we see in our dreams and then what appears in our ‘waking’ lives, is it a turn of phrase that we hear maybe in our head, then in a song on the radio, then again in a stranger’s conversation at the grocery store….what is it….how does this appear, just as we need a nudge, a confirmation of something or some kind of ‘sign’ that all is well, or we are OK.

I am musing on these ideas right now, as I am about to make another delicious caramel/ salt coffee which is my own creation, and will sip it slowly and savor it as I contemplate all this interconnection, synchronicity and the alignment of the spheres where creation arises from when we connect.
