How important is integrity in Life? In Business, in relationship and in creating? I believe it is everything, because the resonance of the alignment of intention with action sets the tone for all of the above and is either strong and clear or diffused and dissipated. Imagine a beautiful singing bowl, you strike the gong against the side and the sound peals out in a harmonious resonance, balanced and pure, clear and resounding. If the bowl is dinged or bent it does not vibrate in the same clear resonant way. This is what it is like standing in your own integrity and moving from there, all that you wish for, all that you say, all that you put your energy into has a stronger power behind it since it is surrounded and bathed in the truth of your being, your belief, your conduct, your presence.

This is one of those things we all know it when we see it, like in Martin Luther King, Gandhi.  We also feel it when it is not there even though we may not be able to name it exactly. We relax more fully when it is present in another, when we are witnessing it made manifest. Our world needs more integrity and I will discuss how you can cultivate this pure gold of alignment which allows more flow and more of what you wish to bring into being to become.

According to Wikipedia “The word “integrity” stems from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete). In this context, integrity is the inner sense of “wholeness” deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character. As such, one may judge that others “have integrity” to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs and principles they claim to hold.

So the root you could say has to do with wholeness, wholesomeness implies purity. Complete means what it says basically whole unto itself you could say. So why is this important; consider for a moment a glass, actually two glasses one is cloudy and has chips along the rim, the other is clear, and smooth, unblemished. Which one do you trust to drink from? Which one would you choose? The difference in being able to identify a clear glass and someone who has integrity is not that different. You simply need to listen, to look, to train yourself to hear what is underneath the words, the manner, the person. Feel  fully how you react, do you constrict, get a tighness in your solar plexus, feel uncomfortable, or uneasy, or do you relax, feel at ease, calmer, clearer yourself. It is like listening to a pure sound from a whole instrument, like the singing bowl, you will recognize it, you will know if it is warped or out of alignment, the same is true for people for their words, and most importantly their conduct. So listen, watch your own being attune.

To cultivate your own integrity, start each day with an alignment time of say 10-15 minutes; get quiet, sit still have some tea or whatever your beverage of the day is, be undisturbed and tune in to what you are wishing for, what you hold to be true and be ready for your world to begin to shift and align more and more with the clarity of your thoughts and your actions; bringing you the people, the connections the circumstances to realize this intention. Even if you are wishing for a different job and yet you feel you need to keep the one you have until something else shows up, start now, align, get centered and clear and see what comes your way from doing this one basic step, fully truthfully from the core of who you are. This is where dreams arise.


Happy New Year!

Dream Big!