Ok well in tandem with Let Go; see previous musings, is Lean In. Now you may well  ask what the >>>??? Well they do kind of go hand in hand. Yesterday I was speaking with someone about the Let Go piece, when you hit the wall or are just being halted in your tracks for some inexplicable reason and I said simply Let Go, see what happens when you stop the striving and pushing. They asked me if letting go was always the answer, I listened, and said actually it is a likely first step so you can then see what is real in the moment for you, do you still really wish to go in that direction, what is the boulder in the road, and sometimes what you really do need to do is simply LEAN IN.

Especially in Business or launching an idea into a creative endeavor of any kind, there will be logistical challenges among others, so it is not to say that you drop everything when things hold up, or get snagged, rather you move to a place of being where you can determine for yourself is it resistance, is it timing, or do I simply need to lean into the uncomfortable part of the unknown of creating and see what happens. I always applaud bold moves in my clients and in people I connect with everyday, as what it shows me is they did it anyway. There are always, and I mean always naysayers and seemingly valid reasons not to ( see Your Business on the site) and so when anyone takes the plunge to create to manifest to move in the direction of what they are wishing, I applaud!

It takes tremendous courage to simply say ‘Yes’ to anything, to ourselves, to a day to roam, to a walk in the park, not to mention ‘Yes’ to an endeavor that could have potential financial and personal peril in the mix. On the up side there is also an enormous amount of reward in both financial and personal ways for doing it anyway and seeing what is to be on the other side of ‘Oh my AiYYYYY!!!  So when you Lean In, you tell the Universe you are serious, you are saying yes to the experience, to the vision of what you see to create, of the idea you have and hold. Only you can fully be that brilliant spark of wonder here and now, nobody else has that, they have their own.

So if you are considering moving into creative arenas, if you are in the midst of one and are wondering whose brilliant idea this was anyway, or if you simply would like to feel your life more aligned with the purpose of your intention, connect and I would be happy to assist. In the meantime when the going gets rough, let go let be, see what is really going on in the current moment of Now. When you have done that and you are still clear in the space of creating from a place of certainty and clarity, simply Lean In and watch the shifts that take place as your resolve clears the road.

