So what do you do when you hit a wall, creatively, professionally, personally. Whatever is making you halt, whatever is holding you up in the wading in mud feeling of getting something accomplished, of communicating an idea, in birthing a new business, a new relationship, of making an old relationship unstick, whatever it is what you are encountering is most often resistance. So what is resistance and what can be done about it.

Resistance is ‘ a measure of the degree to which an object opposes _______’ according to Wikepedia. So be it electrical, physical, emotional, literal, or psychological. It shows up as that thick being in mud feeling of nothing is going anywhere and everything feels bogged down stuck, unclear and difficult to shift. So now you know how to recognize it what can you do about it. One word LET GO. It is the adage of your are rowing and rowing against the stream, the river, you are really leaning in doing everything possible to get to where you just know you want to be, nothing is happening, you just get more and more drained, exhausted, exasperated and yet stubborn too. What to do…..LET GO. Try it see what happens when you just let go of the oars * (abraham hicks audio used to show how when you let go of the oars you are taken to what you desire truly, which is downstream not upstream). Let go of the struggle and let go all that striving, watch how you feel, watch what happens to you in this process, the relief, the gap, the spacious letting go feeling of just simply surrendering to what is, rather than just what you had in mind a moment ago.

Something you might find is that the true friendships, relationships will stay with you the ones that no longer fit like an old pair of socks that you wore out leave your field of reference. Other new meaningful connections are always there ready and waiting to fill in when there is space to do so. Like sand carved out of the shore at the edge of the sea the water rushes in unaided to fill it in immediately no hesitation whatsoever. So it is with how the Universe can deliver what we have asked to be delivered, peace, happiness, a loving partner, a thriving business, creative fire, inspiration.

So when you hit the wall, or a large boulder or situations which do not resonate with you any longer, what do you do? LET GO. Let go and LET BE; you may just be pleasantly surprised with what has been awaiting your realization and then can be delivered when we get out of the way of ourselves enough to allow.


Go forth in Strength!