Listening is one of the most important qualities to cultivate for yourself for others, for the world. How it works is that by truly listening, tuning in you are aligning more with your core, with the essence of who you are, which aligns your blood pressure and internal compass with the rhythm of time and space as you move through these. Listening allows for all of your senses to be engaged and for enough room around the moment ideally for you to notice any intuitive impulses, body information from yourself and other clues as to what is going on in any given interchange more than just words spoken.

How many times have you had a ‘feeling’ or a ‘gut reaction’ to someone, to a situation, which belied the actual exchange of information going on, on the surface. If you really had any idea how crucial this ability, skill, and quality is to cultivate you would make it your number one priority. Beyond anything else when you are deciding, choosing, witnessing any situation or piece of information take the time to LISTEN< with your whole being; this can quite literally make or break your relationships, your business and impact your life more than you can even imagine.

So why I am being so definitive here, of course you listen, how would you hear anything right? Well what I am talking about is about paying attention with more than your ears, listening with your heart, with your body, with another kind of radar which is able to detect subtle shifts, information, clues which are invaluable in safeguarding yourself, and your ideas as you create and choose who to have in your business, in your world that you create. It can mean the difference of blossoming flourishing dynamic ones or its opposite, which do you choose.

I know from extremely direct experience what it means when you ignore these signals. When you do not trust the intangible ” I just cannot put my finger on it, but I do not feel Ok with that person’ or your stomach clenches, your scalp itches, you become disoriented, ill at ease, uncomfortable, and a lull in your own energy vibration these are all signals clues which are an imperative to Knowing. Those that are aligned with where you wish to be will inspire, will co create with you an energy field of a higher vibration. You know when you connect with someone and you feel more than just the two of you are connecting, it is like there is more going on that you cannot see which assists and radiates out positively, we feel this often as joy, as enthusiasm as creativity. Ideas spark, you are on the same wavelength, yes you are in flow when this occurs. Well the same is true in the opposite vibrations, when you are connecting with someone who is on a lower vibration, or perhaps has ulterior motives, other agenda for your friendship, business alliance, that they are not articulating, in fact they may be saying quite the opposite in the actual conversation. LISTEN!!!! Really pay attention to how you feel, to the truth of the resonance of the interaction in your whole body, what is it telling you, what is it trying to tell you if you would just fine tune the dial to the channel of what do I need to know here.

This one piece of advice is perhaps the million dollar or multi million dollar answer to your dreams. I mean it. I can tell you that when I ignored this myself it cost me more than that, and when I gaze back at what the bleep was that tornado of ick that I lived through, I realize I simply did not listen, and pay attention to the degree necessary and crucial for my own well being, for my companies, for my life. It taught me a huge lesson and one that I am compelled to share with you in the hopes that it allows you to be more true to yourself, to Trust from the deepest part of your being. To Listen with keen attention in a way that can literally transform your life and bring what you desire more quickly and with more ease and alignment, in accord which can mean everything.