
How important is integrity in Life? In Business, in relationship and in creating? I believe it is everything, because the resonance of the alignment of intention with action sets the tone for all of the above and is either strong and clear or diffused and dissipated....


Possibility ; this is such a provocative word and has a range of interpretations from allowing vision to manifest to opening the door a bit for a glimpse of a dream come true. Possibility allows, creates room for something to come into being, it is the very nature of...


Heartache and grief, these are what I am feeling today ever since I heard the news of what happened on a Friday in a small town similar to so many in America, and for which we pride ourselves on the friendliness, the ease of knowing your neighbors, of the community...

Collective Responsibility

All of us the world over are reeling from the events of recent days. Overwhelming grief, confusion, looking for why in the sea of none of it makes sense, how to find a way to reconcile, to forgive, to move forward, to find joy, to get through the day. The senseless...

Lean In

Ok well in tandem with Let Go; see previous musings, is Lean In. Now you may well  ask what the >>>??? Well they do kind of go hand in hand. Yesterday I was speaking with someone about the Let Go piece, when you hit the wall or are just being halted in your...

Let go

So what do you do when you hit a wall, creatively, professionally, personally. Whatever is making you halt, whatever is holding you up in the wading in mud feeling of getting something accomplished, of communicating an idea, in birthing a new business, a new...


So how does it work anyway? Why is it that we have our own ideas about how things should appear, the when and the how we think we can handle, completely independent of other circumstances or events. This is simply not the case. In my experience when I am moving...

Starlight Starbright

What are you wishing? Where does it hold its power? What would you like to see happen? How would you like it to arrive? When? Do you have any idea the intelligence of intention, timing, synergy? So find a star, night time is preferable, unless you happen to see a...

Loving Kindness- Maitri

Maitri, is loving kindness to oneself and it is a foundation to Buddhist practice which is often a challenge for western students in particular to comprehend. We are far to hard on ourselves as a culture, and so compassion which can come from this loving kindness or...


Where does awareness abide? Why is it there sometimes and then not at all it seems? What allows you the most immediate experience of pure awareness, is it finding quiet, is it meditation, is it walking in nature, being near the ocean, mountain climbing, hang gliding...