Letting it Roll

You know there are always some people you meet who just are unperturbed by the ebb and flow of life and how things are moving along. There are others who are always chomping at the bit, wanting things to happen faster, more expediently in their view and you can...

Art of Allowing

In my previous article ‘Standing in Flow’ I describe how we can unlock being stuck and move into Flow, what I really want to talk about now is ‘Allowing’ and specifically the Art of Allowing, which is a kind of state of Grace of stepping back...

Standing in Flow

Wow we have all been there torqued to the nth degree over a project, an issue, others expectations, feeling frustrated, out of sorts and somehow not at all sure how to get to center again, if ever at all. OK so why is this? This familiar feeling of somehow having...


Faith, what exactly does it mean? You know in a kind of sort of way or do you lean into the unknown, precisely to the uncertainty and unknown and allow Grace to enter the space of your wish and assist, as it is likely to do. Faith in a being, in a thing, in the Divine...

Building Team

OK well you know it just happens to be true that we are not each of us isolated in the realm of existence here on Earth. We are all connected and interconnected with everything. When this is truly understood, you see how it affects the way that we react, interact with...

Simple Pleasures; taking time

What is it that brings you joy, a sense of peace, tranquility and ease. How do you begin your day, with a cup of coffee, tea, do you take time just for you to set the tone of the day, by holding the moment you have. Do you see what you wish before you? How you wish it...

Beautiful Naturally

Beautiful naturally is a highly desirable phrase which most of us can identify with and which implies, wholesomeness, freshness and purity. It also happens to be a domain name; www.beautifulnaturally.com that has recently come up for sale. I am inspired to share some...


Why is it that I feel so incredibly fabulous by giving? My nature you could say allows this to be, yet why is it such an untapped luxury. Generosity goes beyond money it is a wealth of different order quite simply because it can be delivered in so many more varied...


Where have we been before and why are we here now? Nothing like a bit of existential questioning to generate an appetite. What is it when we meet someone seemingly for the first time and find ourselves attracted to them or having aversion to them. Is it from now, is...

Doing Your Best

What exactly does ‘Doing Your Best’ mean? To me it is speaking my Truth, trusting in my own understanding of a situation and giving all of myself to the totality of that situation whatever may come. So even if I see red and steam is about to come out of my...