Awaken very early this morning inspired, aligned and needing to write. I highly recommend stream of consciousness journalling every day, let at least three pages roll by and see how you feel and what you see about yourself, your world and the day itself.

Gratitude and Inspiration kind of go hand in hand for me, and perhaps for you as well. The fastest way to unstick is to invoke gratitude. Hold in your field of awareness anything you are grateful for, feel it, breathe it, welcome that into you, and into your life. Sunshine, green grass, the ocean, the breeze, trees, sky, comfort, laughter, a kindness, love. Whatever let it permeate you and then see what occurs on the inspirational moodometer; is that not a great word…..feel inspired, feel the giving molecules percolate as you resonate and feel the vibration of gratitude and plenty. Give of yourself into the idea realm, into the offering your bliss, your simplicity, your awareness. See how it feels.

Whenever you are stuck, gunked up as I call it cleanse your energy and your day with the wish for joy, think of something or someone you love, you feel good about, feel the gratitude well up, let that overflow into inspiration and see where it leads you and how it remarkably shifts you into flow.