Patience do you not just love love love this word!!! OK well truth be told I have not always really understood it and so at 3 am last night as the percolation of writing is coming to me, which it often does in the quiet and stillness of early morning, I realized I had confused patience with being held back, or held in check, or being in line, or some other gossamer version of what it actual means.

Patience, the capacity to accept to tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset. Quiet, steady perseverance, even tempered care, diligence, forbearance, endurance. These words are an amalgam of different definitions which quite frankly are surprising to me as they imply a kind of fortitude and strength not readily apparent. For example I would have said that patience implies resignation, or defeat really instead of plowing on with something despite the obstacle, set back, or whatever, just make it happen already. Well quiet steady perseverance, and even tempered care imply a whole lot more and allow me to hold patience in a different light which gives me room to bring all of my being to bear on a situation, or an idea, or an alliance. If there is not such a rush, or a hurry about it, if I am allowing and holding true to myself, to the rhythm of the idea, to the timing coming together, if I am fully listening and tuning in to all the signals, than why would I think that my schedule or idea of when things arrive is more accurate than the Universe. Where did I get that funny notion anyway? So what I am saying here is that patience is a wonderful gift you can give to yourself at any time in any place no matter what the circumstances. Dealing with a challenging client, an irascible toddler or a traffic jam. Breathe, take a moment realize it all is OK as it is just now in this ideal moment. Take another moment to breathe deeply, be with whatever is happening, fully, do not struggle with it, let it inform your next action, breathe, embrace it, let it go, let all the striving go. Listen, breathe, then move into gear strengthened, aligned, free of false expectation, with steady resolve, clarity and truth by your side. Live and live well and prosper!

Applying patience can be a wonderful salve to the harried pace of our modern world. Patience allows for things to come together. We do not fully know all the elements of timing. Especially if you are envisioning and creating and working with the principles of manifestation consciously patience is a gift so go ahead and open it and use it in every moment where you think a delay is a hindrance and turn it around to allowing time for your full order to be fulfilled and made manifest.