Wow we have all been there torqued to the nth degree over a project, an issue, others expectations, feeling frustrated, out of sorts and somehow not at all sure how to get to center again, if ever at all. OK so why is this? This familiar feeling of somehow having taken the wrong road, how did this happen, this wonked out space of mis connection and well just plain Ick. Nothing flows, everything feels stuck and you feel like a stale left over piece of toast.  One thing is for sure, in this state you are not and I mean most definitively not standing in FLOW.

Seamless integration of creative energy moves from one place of attention to another, painting a picture, creating an idea from seeing an image anything that sparks that fire of creativity, joy, abundance, grace, freedom in that moment of connection. This is Flow. You know it when you see it, an athlete at their peak literally hitting their stride on the track. A brilliant gymnast on the rings swing up over around, seemingly earth defying leaps of gravity, and it looks so easy, so effortless. This is Flow.

A mother who has a child on one hip, handling five other things all with impeccable radar of who is where, what is on deck now and the ten other things that are happening demanding her attention while she moves three children into getting to school in the morning. This is Flow.

How any of this actually comes together has to do with letting go into the moment either from concentration and focus or from practiced effort and timing. Flow is accessible to all of us at any level. Just like how water flows downhill, or around rocks and into crevices, the energy of Flow moves through, around and into whatever is in its way. Which is why the feeling of being stuck feels so entirely unnatural and contrary.

Taking your power back in a situation is a way to traverse the stuck plateau and often what that literally means is seeing the Truth of the situation in its essence. What exactly is your obligation on a project which just keeps getting more and more bogged down. What happens when you let go of the expectation and fear of how will they react. All the shoulda woulda coulda’s in the world  are right there to torment you if you let them. What we overlook is the value of the gold of the learning curve of a situation that allows the illumination of your own knowing to spark true change,  to allow a true shift of perspective which can transform how you approach anything. YOU do have the power, so claim it and own it, step up and plant your feet and tell the Truth. Your truth and hold that!
