What are you wishing? Where does it hold its power? What would you like to see happen? How would you like it to arrive? When? Do you have any idea the intelligence of intention, timing, synergy? So find a star, night time is preferable, unless you happen to see a falling star in early evening as my husband and I did while moving into our new home; the intensity and auspiciousness is multiplied.

What we hold dear and in our hearts, affects our life, our day to day reality, and the reality of what comes in and when. Are you ready? It is probably the most important question of all as if you are not you will block the arrival, it is like ordering something by telephone and you forget to include your address. The Universe, all of it in fact is made up of vibration. The power of your wish of your intention of what you see, how strong you hold that vibration correlates with the ever expanding and responsive dynamic on a literal physical level of energetics. So hold what you wish for as precious, as given, as ready to be delivered and Go! That is why I often say to my clients ready, Go! The ‘set’ to me is a bit redundant as you should be set when you are ready, it kinda comes first in my view.

All things are possible, and I truly mean that when I say it, we all could take a lesson in simplicity and ease and understand for a moment when things have been flowing in our lives, when we have been the most happy, feeling good, feeling creative, loved, held, in touch, open to receive and welcoming. That natural abundant energy of Joy and goodness which all of us have direct access to at anytime we like is a Key ingredient in manifesting what you desire.  Ok so the elephant in the room is  the question do I just believe and then make it so….No, that is not how it works and all the positive thinking and affirmation in the world are not going to fully unleash the power you hold until you unlock yourself the blocks in the way. One way to move in that direction is to affirm positive reinforcement, however, it is not enough to touch on it and not go deeper to where your true beliefs live, and get clear on that as swiftly as possible.

The other day I was talking a walk in our beautiful local park that has a huge ‘creek’ ok they call it a creek but it is really like a small river at times and this has to do with the water flow. We have had so much rain and snow higher up the mountain lately so that the water flow is truly intense and rushing and moving at quite a clip. I noticed a huge boulder in the middle of this creek and water was paying it no mind whatsoever and just carried on around it as if it were not there. When the water flow is lower, not so strong this boulder looms as stronger, more immovable a definite in the way piece that would seem insurmountable if you did not understand the full intensity and power of water.

So breathe, breathe again deeply, let it all go. Trust that what you are wishing and intending can arrive and in perfect Timing. Now for the next musings on Timing.


Wish Big!