What is it about time that suspends belief? Why is it some moments are forever it seems and others pass in a swift blip of expediency> Have you ever wondered where exactly time abides, where does space begin. What is the molecular separation between people, objects, lovers and friends. What is that closeness time space continuum which allows all to be connected, interconnected, dynamic and in harmony in the ultimate view.

Relatively we know we have hours, minutes, seconds and so on. Just like any kind of linear measurement yet is it? Does time move up down, sideways, full circle encompassing dimensionality and space. Is it contained in a quantified label or is it elastic and ever expanding simultaneously holding past, present and possibly the future.

Hold a moment in your hands. Be with the space of simply being. Breathe, breathe again, now breathe deeply and let out a sigh if you wish, make a sound to release all tension, anything holding you back from the full complete experience of NOW. Be with it. The minds chatter if there is any, the body and its sensations, your heart, wishes, desires expectations and the immediacy of holding still, hold,  and BE.