So how does it work anyway? Why is it that we have our own ideas about how things should appear, the when and the how we think we can handle, completely independent of other circumstances or events. This is simply not the case. In my experience when I am moving diligently towards accomplishing something and there is an inexplicable bump in the road on the way ie a delay or a seeming obstruction this often indicates a timing issue more than anything and either the situation will resolve in my desired intended way later or it leaves my radar, completely.  OK so what I am really saying is, that when things seem to go sideways in any given situation, sit back a moment, take stock of where you are, what is it about, is there a real problem, is there a blessing in the mix, and is this simply Timing.

Sometimes the timing delay can deliver unexpected benefits and allows real obstacles to move out of the way with very little effort on our part. This is not always easy to Trust, utterly, especially in our immediate have it here now culture. What I will tell you for sure is that if you can simply get out of the way, take stock, settle down in your impatience and truly listen, you might be very much surprised by the actual alignment coming into being which you can truly almost taste.

There are of course other situations which no amount of spaciousness and time ever seems to clarify. I have lived through these situations and it is challenging to say the least. I basically really like to fully understand or to be able to be at peace with the wide curve balls that all of us who have created anything have faced. Sometimes, no matter how long you gaze back at it, you may simply have to let it go, let it be as it is, with no true closure, or understanding illuminated. Again this is Timing in action whereby when you are ready to see a glimpse of what it was about, or the why of its occurring Trust you will do so when all other pieces are aligned, including your own awareness and readiness to receive the information in the right way at the right time.

This all sounds a bit esoteric, however, the practical application of this you can encounter on your own right now, simply try it out. Take a situation, perhaps a current one where you are trying to understand why a friend behaved as she did, or someone took your comment in not the way you intended, or you are feeling like you are wading in mud, uninspired and lank over an idea that you were passionate about moments before. What is this ebb flow and changing winds on the seas of your life? Listen, sit quietly, contemplate your being here right now in this present time. Fully place yourself here, breathe, breathe again, sip some tea, look at the sky a tree, a waterfall, sometimes listening to music relaxes and opens our beings to here right now. OK now look at the situation anew, and see what you see. Behold, let it go, behold anew.


Wishing you Joy!