I believe in possibility, in goodness in the innate resiliency of the human spirit. I know that to make a difference we choose each and every moment to be. That’s it just be all that you are, right here in this moment.

The only way on is through. Embracing who you are right now. Empowered to know, to choose, to do it anyway.

Doing your best with what you have. Trusting in your own knowing. Choosing where you put your energy.

Align with all of your being to your true hearts desire. Face what that means by living with the integrity of heart, wholeness and full capacity. See what it brings. Allow it to permeate you, to saturate your life.

This is the age of the Divine Feminine.

Each step you take matters, it all matters and is integral to the whole. Walking the path of wholeness changes the world, it shifts the fabric of the Universe.

With every second with every breath we have this immense opportunity to step in or to step out of accord. This golden sphere of the truth of our own being gives us the precious gift of connection, moment to moment, to connect to be real, to be true. So use it, live it, share it.

Each moment you claim your birthright of wholeness, you shift the paradigm of this world. What has more meaning than that? You shift the spectrum of what is possible, you create a pathway for others to do the same. Your recalibrate this shift into your own life and it reverberates and resonates in profound ways.

Speaking your truth, claiming what’s real for you. Acting on your hunches, listening to your wisdom, allows what isn’t in line with you to simply fall away.

Releasing all that is now yours to hold creates enormous space, and grace to be to live to create from a new arena of being. Standing on new ground, that is solid, sure and noble.

What would you create from here?

You grace the world in a wholly different way illumined divinely attuned.

This is how we change the world one moment of truth of direct experience of being, at a time.