So how is it that our bodies have an innate wisdom which informs us all the time if we only pay attention to the signals> do you notice or do you ignore it?

Food, beverage, environment, scent, people, situations, locations, sound, music, just about anything you can imagine influences the receptors we all have which are highly sensitized and trained to notify us of danger and of discord, of bliss and of well being. Just as how you can relax and feel at ease being introduced to someone for the first time, or hearing a beloved’s voice again after an absence, the same holds true for the opposite effect. So how is it that our bodies are the main locator for this information and yet we largely ignore all the signs; it is constantly and consistently sending our way. That ache in our gut, that uneasy feeling we cannot quite place, that discomfort and intuitive nudge to really tune in before proceeding, like seeing a construction sign in neon lettering which says ” Proceed with Caution!!!” Hey, but do we? Or do we generally override that message with the I do not have any proof of that, he seems nice enough, she is friendly and is genuinely interested in what I am creating? OK so lets look at the years of evolution which has hardwired our bodies to be on alert for really darn good reason. In the wild it can save your life, and in the wild of this life it can save your life, and safeguard you from much pain and turmoil.

So……pay attention, what is your body telling you, maybe it is just timing, and later it may have a different signal about a new venture, an alliance, a travel prospect, a new endeavor, a new love affair, or an existing one. YOU are the one who has the navigator right there, built right in already ON, and all you have to do is to practice aligning with that frequency of ease, or discomfort, of flow and joy or ache and heartache… try it you may be very pleasantly surprised at the spectacular accuracy of your own compass, barometer, signal awareness piece which can make or break the flow of all that you wish for and how it arrives smoothly and in accord, or takes you on a side ramp up and over a few mountains and through who knows what else until you come to center again and realize that even in the first few moments of connection you knew, you knew in your gut what the deal was and yet….you went ahead anyway. Sometimes that is just how we have to learn, to integrate and to move forward indelibly knowing in the core of our being, However it is also possible that the more you tune in and trust the more you can avoid the pitfalls and stay aligned with your true path in the best interest of your own realization gracefully while creating all that you wish to manifest beautifully.

With my clients I am always being asked how to know if this is the right company to go with, the right publisher for the book, the agent for the music, the script to take, the project to do with so and so…..and truly even though I can see and guide, the real intelligence is in the alignment of your own soul’s grace and wisdom. So as you and I both need another reference point outside of ourselves at times,  to take a look with us at the information at the signals both tangible and intangible, the truth is in any given moment we have this understanding and knowing  available to us if we only look.